1st Westbury Scout Group have had a busy 2017.
Diane Perrett said, “We have three sections Beavers (6-8 years), Cubs (8-10 1/2 years) and Scouts (10 ½-14 years) that meet every week during term time covering a variety of topics to earn badges. Each section has their own programmes but meet up at various times in the year.
“We all joined the West Wilts District for St George’s Day Parade, Remembrance Day Parade in the town as well as a very, very wet camp at the end of July! We took 45 children to Tedbury campsite in Frome, slept under canvas, made fires, cooked lunch, hijacked a pirate ship and despite the weather, had a fantastic weekend practising the skill we had learned during the year. Our ‘smelly orange’ tree with robins came 5th in the Christmas Tree Festival at All Saints’ Church.
“The Beaver section have taken part in the district sleepover at Boomerang Soft Play area and worked on their Digital Citizens Badge at the Apple shop in Bath. This involved a trip on the train, (the first time for some children) and a visit to McDonald’s for lunch afterwards.
“The Cub section have increased their numbers and have covered over 20 badges including Astronomer, Backwoods Cooking, Scientist and Road Safety. The Scouts have taken part in a County Patrol leaders weekend as well as doing their DIY and Mechanics badges and much more.
“We are always looking for adults to help with the sections – it is a great opportunity to have fun whilst learning a whole new skill set that can be used in everyday life. Anyone interested can contact the Group Scout leader Andy Kettlety – 07900 244104.”