COMMUNITY groups and organisations are being reminded about the deadline for applications for the third and final round of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s £1 million Innovation Fund.
Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon Angus Macpherson is looking to commission community and voluntary projects which aim to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and schemes supporting victims and vulnerable people in innovative ways.
The deadline for applications for the third funding round is 3rd March 2014. £330,000 has been allocated for this round.
Angus Macpherson said, “The Innovation Fund is a one off fund I decided to set up following taking office. Through the fund I have supported some new and exciting projects in line with my six main priorities and I’m now looking forward to receiving the applications for this third and final funding round.”
The Commissioner’s six main priorities are, working with communities and partners to:
• Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour • Protect the most vulnerable in society • Put victims and witnesses first • Reduce offending and re-offending • Drive up standards of customer service • Ensure unfailing and timely response to calls for assistance.
Angus Macpherson is also particularly looking for innovative new ideas that help to break cycles of crime and anti-social behaviour, including supporting repeat offenders.
The Commissioner will consult with an advisory panel, which will include Wiltshire Police Chief Constable Pat Geenty, leaders from Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council and representatives from the Community Foundation for Wiltshire and Swindon, before deciding which applications to fund.
More information about the Innovation Fund, including a downloadable leaflet, application form, template grant agreement and details of successful first and second round applicants, is on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s website –