White Horse Health Centre (WHHC) has an active face-to-face Patient Participation Group and an on-line Voicemail Group – and is looking for new members.
Shelagh Carpenter, Chair, Patient Participation Group said, “Both of these give valuable feedback to the surgery on the services provided. However, membership of both groups is generally 50 plus years of age.
“We welcome any new members, but particularly those of varying ages to give comment and feedback on the surgery in general and on the services offered to different age groups.
“With Patient Participation Week coming up – Monday 1st to Friday 5th June, we would really like to hear from anyone interested in becoming involved.
“The face-to-face group meet at WHHC four times a year on a Tuesday (remainder of dates for 2015 are 2nd June, 1st September and 1st December) at 6.30pm. Information packs and enrolment forms are available from Reception at White Horse Health Centre.
“To join the on-line Patient Voice Email Group please email wccg.wgppatientvoice@nhs.net and you will be added to the mailing list for the newsletters and other useful information.
“Please do consider joining and help us to influence the future development of the Health Centre and the services that it provides.
“I look forward to meeting/hearing from you in the near future.”