Bitham Brook Primary School has started a ‘Walking Bus’ every Wednesday morning.
The children meet at the Co-op supermarket and walk to school with parents, governors and school staff. This encourages exercise for the children and reduces traffic and parking at the school.
The Co-op supermarket is fully supporting this initiative with fluorescent tabards, free fruit for the children and tea and coffee for the grown-ups. “It was great, I loved my apple,” said Daisy aged six.
Children wrote to the Co-op manager, Dermott Hackett, to thank him for his support for the school and for his encouragement encouraging to be more healthy.
This is just one of the many things that the school is doing to encourage healthy eating and keeping fit including, Tasting Thursdays when children trying new healthy food, Anyone Can Cook sessions with children and parents and raffle tickets for children who are eating healthy lunches.
Mrs Annie Brisland, Deputy Head, said, “We want all of our children to be able to make healthy choices and this is one small step in helping them to learn what this means.”