Imperial Charity, Westbury, has made a donation to the Westbury Shed for the purchase of more tools. The purchases have allowed Shedders to carry out even more projects in Westbury and the surrounding villages.
Westbury Shed chairman, Fred Beckett, explained that the donation from Imperial Charity has resulted in the purchase of new tools specifically tailored for those who have difficulty in using larger, heavier equipment. As a result, members have been busy working on personal and community projects.
Fred said, “I am delighted that members are able to continue supporting our community and proud that All Saints Church and Dilton Parish Council are now able to display their information in the new notice boards made by Shed members.
“There has also been a busy time at the Chestnut Grove allotment where wonderful fruit and vegetables have been produced throughout the summer and I was particularly pleased to present the two giant pumpkins donated to Westbury Infants School. I am looking forward to seeing what the children can make from them. New members are always welcome, no skills required, just the ability to enjoy a cuppa and maybe a chat.”