BRATTON Community Brass Bands recently held their first-ever awards evening to celebrate the achievements of players of all ages and to mark the work which goes on behind the scenes to run the club.
Awards and certificates were presented to members of the three bands – Bratton Silver Band, Bratton Brass Band and Bratton Brass Roots Band.
“Bratton Community Brass Bands were so excited to hold our first-ever Awards Evening where members from all their bands received awards,” said the organisation which won the White Horse News Group of the Year last year.
“With awards from ‘the snappiest dresser’ to the coveted ‘Bandsperson of the Year,’ it was a really special time to thank those who have worked hard, and celebrate how far we have all come. Long Live Bratton!”
Amongst the awards were four special new one – the Beryl Lucas Award, Tony Light Award, Victor Beer Award and the John Annetts Award.
The awards were:
• Bratton Brass Band Player of the Year, receiving the Tony Light Memorial Shield – Kathe rine; and Bandsperson of the Year, receiving the Victor Beer Award – Paul Marchant
• Bratton Silver Band Player of the Year, receiving the John Annetts Memorial Shield – Lydia-Grace Hills; and Bandsperson of the Year, receiving the Beryl Lucas Memorial Shield – Robin Elliot.
• Bratton Brass Roots – Bandsperson of the Year – Joshua; Player of the Year – Jennifer; Best Section, Tenor Horns – Ella, Harrison, Isobel, Jack, Maddie, Lyra; Best Newcomer – Rosie; Greatest Progress – Margot, Jennifer; Kindest Member – Morgan.