A CONSULTATION on what the people of Westbury want from a campus will be launched next month.
A campus development for Westbury will consider including services which are currently run by Wiltshire Council, such as the town’s leisure and sports facilities and potentially the library and youth centre. Services could be provided from a single or multiple sites, and could use new or existing buildings.
At a meeting of the Westbury Area Board earlier this year, representatives from Wiltshire Council asked Westbury to work from a “blank sheet” to create a facility to suit the town’s needs.
A consultation will be launched at the ‘Christmas in Westbury’ events day and lights switch-on, on Saturday 24th November, to ask local people what they want from a campus development.
The development of the campus is being steered by a community operations board (COB), which is made up of eight people representing the local community. COB member, the Rev Jonathan Burke explained, “A group of local residents has been tasked to consult with local people to research what the community wants and needs in a campus. This consultation will be launched during the Christmas in Westbury celebrations on Saturday 24th November and we hope that local people will respond, to shape and protect our local services.
“An important idea behind a campus is to create a flexible space which can be used for a variety of purposes and by a different people or organisations. The campus might include leisure, adult social care, youth services, a library and internet services.
“The aim of a community campus is to provide services for residents of Westbury and the surrounding areas.”
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