THIS year’s Christmas Tree Festival, organised by All Saints’ Westbury, proved to be hugely popular with the local community. Over 1,500 people came to the church throughout the weekend at the start of December to view the 41 bespoke decorated Christmas trees.
Throughout the weekend, an impressive £2,000 was raised that will support the maintenance of the church building. First place was awarded to Bitham Brook Primary School, Friends of Victoria Garden finished in second place and third place was awarded to Westbury Leigh Primary School.
The festival was officially opened by Father Christmas on Friday 1st December and featured entertainment from Dance Craft and Westbury Leigh C of E Primary School, with John Knapp’s street organ entertaining attendees on the Saturday and Penny Birnstingl and her bagpipes there on the Sunday. The event was supported by volunteers from Westbury Rotary Club.
Rev Rebecca Harris said, “We were delighted with the response from the community in Westbury for this year’s annual Christmas Tree Festival. There were 41 beautifully decorated trees, all done differently, and reflecting the values and interests of the organisations taking part. Each one was imaginatively done, with colour and flair.
“We were delighted to welcome well over 1,500 people through our doors over the weekend, to enjoy viewing the trees set in our beautiful building; also the entertainment by the children on the opening night, the refreshments and the stalls. I would like to say a big thank you to all those organisations who took part in the festival and also to those who came to support it, and to support our church which has been here since the fourteenth century.”
The Christmas Tree Festival committee added, “Our thanks go to the team rector Rev. Rebecca Harris and church wardens for their support and encouragement, Fine Signs for the posters, all people and businesses who provided prizes for the raffle, Westbury Leigh Primary School, John Knapp, Dance Craft, Bethan and Elain Cheshire and Penny Birnstingl for their musical items.
“A big thank you to the groups who have sponsored and decorated a tree, Westbury Rotary and all the volunteers who gave their help and made sure the event ran smoothly.”