IT HAS been a very special 160th anniversary year for Bratton Silver Band and the band say they are very grateful to the village community for their support throughout the year.
They said, “We would like to invite you to our very special Christmas concert on Sunday 22nd December at 2pm in the Jubilee Hall. The afternoon will include a raffle, refreshments and carol singing, entrance is free.
“We shall also be playing in the village on the following dates in December: Wednesday 12th at 7.30pm in The Duke, Sunday 15th at St James’ Church carol service, Wednesday 18th where the training band will be carolling around the village, Sunday 22nd Christmas concert at 2pm in the Jubilee Hall and the carol service in the Baptist Church and Monday 23rd carolling around the village.
“On Sunday 26th January the Cory Band, European Champions, will be performing the Lost Village of Imber. This is the piece of music commissioned by the Bratton Silver Band to mark our 160th anniversary year, supported by the Arts Council National Lottery Fund at the prestigious Royal Northern College of Music Festival of Brass in Manchester.
“We are also very proud to present the Cory Band in concert at Wiltshire Music Centre, Bradford on Avon on Sunday 16th February.”