A CONSULTATION on a new housing development on the edge of Westbury is planned for next month.
The Gloucester Land Company is proposing to build around 220 new houses on land north of The Mead.
The area, which borders The Mead and the A350, is currently an area of green space. The site is outside the town policy limits – limits which suggest boundaries for development for in the town.
The development would consist of up to 220 homes, mostly houses of a mix of sizes, and some flats and terraces. The development would include up to 66 affordable homes.
Open space and two play areas are also part of the plans.
Planning consultants AMEC will hold a two-day consultation in mid-July (exact dates to be confirmed), with a planning application expected to be submitted soon after.
If plans for the site go ahead, the developer would be required to make a contribution to the community. Suggestions currently include a contribution to local schools and improved linkages to the town centre.