At a time when inflation is rising and wage rises remain low, many people look to find ways to supplement their income.
This may be working extra overtime or taking on a second job – both of which impact negatively on your free time and work/life balance – not to mention the extra tax you would have you pay. So, is there another way perhaps? For those with a spare room the answer is yes! Wiltshire Host Families Ltd, with centres in Westbury, Trowbridge and Melksham, are offering the opportunity to earn up to £224 per week – completely tax free!
Val Rideout, managing director and founder of WHF explained, “Hosting short stay students is great fun and because each school group only stay 3-4 weekday nights at a time, and go out every day sightseeing, it doesn’t adversely impact on your home or work life. It’s also very flexible, in that you can dip in and out to suit your circumstances, taking as many or as few groups as you want, within reason. Of course, the extra money is a great bonus too!”
Wiltshire Host Families was established more than 10 years ago in Trowbridge and now has three centres in total including Melksham and Westbury. Despite the worries surrounding international travel and terrorism, 2017 has proved a bumper year for Val and her team, with over 80 school groups travelling to the UK and staying with their local hosts.
Val continued, “With 99% of the group leaders rating both our hosts and coordinators as ‘excellent,’ this has been another fabulous season, and as a result we are expanding in 2018 to accommodate much larger groups. This will give more local people the opportunity to join us as hosts and supplement their incomes accordingly. ”
As part of that expansion plan, Maria Allen, the Westbury coordinator, will be looking to recruit more hosts as soon as possible. “I’m passionate about giving the groups a great English experience,” said Maria, “and will be looking for hosts who can take a minimum of 2 students (maximum 4) and make them feel really welcome.
“My role is to support the hosts, students and their teachers throughout the stay and make sure that everyone has a great time. We already have proven systems in place to do this and I, or Val, will be visiting all the new hosts to assess their suitability, explain exactly how we work and answer any questions they may have.
“Once they are on our register, we will be allocating them students according to their availability and the group’s matching requirements. In fact, I will be there every step of the way with help and advice whenever needed. I can’t wait to get going!”
Val added, “We love the diversity of our hosts. We have single ladies, couples with or without children, single parent families and retired folk – all of different ages and from different backgrounds and cultures. Everyone brings a different experience to their students – and this is then shared with the school group as a whole. Although the students are only at home in the evenings, hosts can give them some great memories to take back with them.
“With living costs rising, there couldn’t be a better time to join Wiltshire Host Families Ltd, and earn an extra income, completely tax free!”
For more information about hosting in Wiltshire, please visit www.wiltshire or ring Val Rideout on 01225 405783.