DO YOU have a spare room? Are you looking for a challenge? Then a local scheme – Shared Lives Wiltshire – could be of interest.
The Shared Lives service helps people to live as part of a family within the carer’s home, where they receive the support or care they need. The service helps adults who have mental health needs or learning disabilities, physical impairments, or are elderly or who, for a variety of reasons, can’t manage to live without support.
Westbury councillor Gordon King is backing the scheme and gave a report to the Westbury Area Board on 24th November, saying, “Shared Lives is a truly inspirational programme that brings people with needs of any age and householders with spare rooms together sharing space and lives.
“In many cases hosts come to see their long term guests as members of the family. This is good news for the person of need, for relatives, for host families and for the council, not least because the cost of shared lives [in the form of a contribution to the host’s cost] is much cheaper than the cost of long-term care in a specialist facility.
“I would appeal to Wiltshire Council to promote and resource this service to the full, potentially it could save a cash strapped council a small fortune capable of supporting already over stretched services.
“We are not doing enough to bring this valuable service to the attention of the public.
“If you have a spare room and would like to be matched with person of need, contact Mercedes Apps at: mercedes.apps@
What is Wiltshire Shared Lives?
The Shared Lives Service helps people live as part of a family, within the carer’s home, where they receive the support or care that they need.
The service places adults who have mental health needs or learning disabilities, physical impairments, or are elderly, or those who, for a variety of reasons, cannot manage to live without support.
Shared Lives carers provide support with daily tasks, from personal care and accessing health services, to making decisions and learning new skills.
For more details, visit