WESTBURY’S Town Crier will continue to receive a small honorarium to ensure he is not left out of pocket by his voluntary duties, councillors agreed at the annual town meeting.
Town clerk, Deborah Urch, recommended that the £250 half-yearly payment to John Hadfield continue.
Deborah said, “Despite the Covid restrictions John has continued to support the town council and other organisations. For example, he rang the bells to mark the 75th anniversary of VE / VJ day and played a leading role in the Christmas light switch on film.
“This is not a paid role but a volunteer position, to ensure the town crier is not left out of pocket for his travel and time, the town council offer a small honorarium.”
From May 2019 to May 2021 the town crier attended the following events: 26th June 2019, Westbury Court open day, 20th July 2019, Rotary and Guide Dogs family day, 19th October 2019 Guide Dogs open day, 23rd October 2019 grants award evening, 26th October 2019 Warminster carnival, 10th November 2019 Remembrance Day, 30th November 2019 Christmas lights and carnival, February 2020 mayor’s buffet evening, 8th March 2020 Rotary Imber ultra marathon.
Lockdown: 8th May 2020 75th anniversary of VE day, 15th August 2020 75th anniversary of VJ day, December 2020 lights switch-on button video.