Nineteen ladies gathered outside Holy Trinity Church in Dilton Marsh on Saturday 10th June to take part in the World Wide Knit in Public Day.
The event saw people from around the world take their passion for knitting outside to celebrate it with others. World Wide Knit in Public Day was started in 2005 as a way for knitters to come together to enjoy each other’s company and it has since expanded globally.
One of the organisers at the Dilton Marsh event said, “With lots of chatter, cake and live music entertainment, 50 squares were made. Penny Hill, who started the community blanket project was unfortunately unable join us on the day; however she did join in from her hospital bed, and she has made over 1,200 squares since the project started.
“At last year’s Eco Day, the community blanket project was launched and knitters and crocheters were busy making six-inch squares to be made into blankets for Ukraine. The first blankets left in March and yet more left went with the Swindon Humanitarian Aid Partnership in April.”