2019 has been another busy year for Dilton Marsh Parish Council.
The playing field has started to come alive with sporting activities! Dilton Rovers under 10s and Dilton Marsh Wanderers FC trained and played during the good weather. Unfortunately, due to the heavy rainfall over the past couple of months, they have had to go elsewhere, but will hopefully return in the spring.
Other activities included fitness training, archery and rounders – as well as the usual informal games of our local children and young people. Many residents have commented on how good it is to see people putting the facilities to good use. New benches have been installed on the playing field and the containers will be painted, once the weather allows. The strange disappearance of a number of litter bins continues; new bins have been installed around the village. The problem of dog mess continues to blight our community, particularly in School Lane.
The recent traffic survey was disappointing as it concluded that a reduced speed limit on the High Street and Tower Hill is not appropriate. However, an application for a part-time advisory speed limit of 20mph near Dilton Marsh School should be successful. The report made a number of recommendations, on which the Parish Council is currently consulting with the community, so please make your views known. Details of how to do this are given below.
The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has been working hard; the responses to the questionnaires issued over the summer will be publicised soon. The group will now start to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish.
There was an amazing turn out of 24 volunteers for the litter pick on 17th November – thanks to everyone for supporting us to keep the village looking great.
For more information, please see the Parish Council website: https://dilton marsh-pc.uk . Information is also published on Facebook, but for a response, please contact the Parish Clerk direct at diltonmarshpc@aol.com or call 01373 864127 or write to her at 81, Studland Park, Westbury, BA13 3HN.
Wishing you all the very best for the New Year.