DILTON Marsh Social Club is throwing a party to celebrate the club’s 70th anniversary.
To mark the milestone, the club will welcome The Saga Louts on Saturday 17th February for a night of rock ‘n’ roll music.
Explaining the history of the club, club treasurer Mike Pepler said, “The club was originally known as the Dilton Services Social Club, and opened its doors in 1948 on the 14th February. The club was set up by a committee of ex-Servicemen and Home Guard from the village at the end of World War II.
“The land on which the club is built was donated by Mr Shepherd who lived in Petticoat Lane and was leader of the Home Guard during the war.
“A Nissen hut from the American transit camp at Hisomley was donated and the committee raised money to build the foundations on which to erect it. It was transported in pieces from Hisomley to Dilton Marsh on tractors and carts.
“Early activities at the club included table tennis, snooker and skittles, and there were regular social events such as dances.
“The annual flower show was well attended and a very competitive event with flower, vegetables and all sorts of handicraft on display, including a men’s cake competition!
“There have been many changes over the years, but the most significant was the building of a new outer skin during the 1990s and removing the Nissen hut from inside it. This formed the building as it is today.”
The 70th anniversary celebrations begin at 8.30pm, this Saturday, 17th February. Entry costs £2 for members and £4 for non-members. Entry for children is free.
For more information or to share your own photos from the club’s history, please email: diltonmarsh socialclub@googlemail .com.