NHS direct: 0845 46 47
EASTLEIGH Surgery is asking patients seeking swine flu advice to call NHS Direct after their phone lines have become inundated with calls.
A number of suspected cases have come to light in the Westbury area over the last week and surgery staff said that they had been swamped with calls from concerned residents. Anyone who thinks they are showing symptoms of the virus are asked to keep away from the surgery lest they transmit the highly contagious flu to other patients.
From Monday this week, “flu friends” have been able to collect anti-virals from a number of chemists on receipt of a voucher given by the doctor. It is essential that ID is produced for both the “flu friend” and the patient.
The NHS is urging people to start thinking of somebody who could be a “flu friend” who will be able to pick up the anti-viral on their behalf should they fall victim of the virus.
Symptoms and treatment
The increase in the number of swine flu cases across the UK means that we have now moved to “treatment” phase across the country.
The new phase reflects the fact that the virus is spreading at a rate which can no longer be contained; we now expect to see rapid rises in the number of cases.
People who feel unwell and who are concerned that they may have swine flu are able to check their symptoms on the NHS Choices online symptom checker or ring the Swine Flu Information Line on 0800 1513 513. If they are still concerned they should phone their GP, who will arrange appropriate treatment.
The advice is for everyone to follow good hygiene practices, including hand-washing and the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ principles for coughs and sneezes:
• Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, using a tissue whenever possible
• Dispose of dirty tissues promptly and carefully – bag and bin them
• Maintain good hygiene – washing hands frequently with soap and water
• Clean hard surfaces (eg kitchen worktops, door handles) frequently, using a normal cleaning product
• Stay at home when you are unwell – if you have a cough and a fever, it is best to stay at home, the medicines to relieve the symptoms and drink plenty of fluids. This will speed your recovery and help prevent the spread of infection to others
Jeff James added, “NHS Wiltshire continues to implement our own Pandemic Flu Plan. As the situation changes, we will publicise information via the NHS and Local Resilience Forum websites, local radio and television stations, and by contacting doctors’ surgeries and other healthcare professionals so that they can advise their patients”.
For general information about swine flu visit NHS Choices www.nhs.uk or www.hpa.org.uk