The Parish Council of Edington have commenced a survey of all households in the parish to seek views on housing housing needs for the future.
The survey uses a format from Wiltshire Council which has been widely used for similar surveys in other villages. The survey is anonymous, with the results going direct to Wiltshire Council. Edington Parish Council will receive a summary report from Wiltshire Council.
The outcome will be used to create a new village development plan covering the next five to 10 years. It will also be used to try and influence new housing development schemes currently being developed by central government and Wiltshire Council.
These schemes are likely to be imposed on villages like Edington unless there are some robust statistics which can be used to influence the final outcome. For this reason it is really important to get a high level of response to this survey, so that a true village majority view is taken into account.
The opinions expressed are entirely down to the individual but they will help shape the future of the village for years to come, so it is important for every one in the village to engage in the process.
The survey forms have already been distributed to every household in the parish, but if additional copies are required please contact Eric Mitchell on 01380 830582. The questionnaire can also be completed on-line at: housingneedssurvey. The responses must be with Wiltshire Council by 18th July 2014.