WHITE Horse Health Centre has reassured patients that they are not closed, however some restrictions have been put in place.
They said, “We would like to reassure our patients the surgery is not closed. However, following NHS guidance we are operating by booking telephone appointments where possible for the foreseeable future as per NHS guidance.
“Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time. Please see the following information in regards to our services. The guidance on Covid-19 will continue to change and we will keep you updated.
• All patients requesting ‘on the day’ appointments will be screened through reception using our existing triage system and a second layer of triage, with a phone call from a member of the acute care team.
• Any patient with respiratory symptoms and/ or temperature should not come to the practice. You will be treated over the phone where possible, or asked to call 111.
• Any patient with any other symptom, where possible, will be treated over the phone. If the clinician you speak to decides they need to see you, they will make this decision and ask you to attend the practice.
Routine chronic disease appointments:
• You should receive a text message advising you not to come in for your appointment and you will receive a telephone appointment instead. Again, if they feel you need to be seen, they will make an appropriate appointment.
Routine GP appointments:
• All routine GP appointments have been changed to phone calls. The telephoning GP will make a decision during the call about what is required for the patient and patients will only be brought in for a face-to-face appointment if essential.
Existing routine nurse/ HCA appointments:
• These appointments will remain as they are. However, if you are unwell, please cancel your appointment.
New requests for nurse/ HCA appointments:
• We will not book any more routine non-essential appointments, however there will be some essential appointments that need to be booked, this will be at the discretion of the practice.
Child immunisations
• These will continue as usual.
Blood tests:
• The drop-in blood clinic has been temporary suspended, all blood tests are now bookable appointments.
Wound care:
• Leg club will be cancelled until further notice and these patients will be seen at the surgery.
• All wound care will continue as planned and continue to be booked as required.
• Please do not order additional medication, we will only issue your regular quantity.
• If you use the POD service, please continue to do so.
“Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.”