WESTBURY councillors, who wrote to the developers of a new housing estate near the sailing lake late last year, with concerns about the lack of a safe route across the railway line, particularly for children, have received a response.
Highways, planning and development members at their recent meeting heard from committee chair cllr Ian Cunningham that Linden Homes, who are building 300 properties at the site, had replied to the council’s letter.
Robin Potter, Linden Homes’ regional technical director wrote, “[As previously discussed] the Section 106 was agreed at planning stage and we are working to this, in that it requires the financial contribution of £2million towards the bridge construction and the gifting of the land necessary for this (within our land).
“I think from memory the best ideas to improve safety was to have Network Rail visit the school and raise child safety awareness and stand at the crossing on odd days to engage with the public and reinforce the best way to use the crossing. Also the upgrading of the crossing gates so that they are locked when the lights are red. Have the above points been progressed?”
Cllr Cunningham reminded members that Network Rail had said that upgrading the gates would be too costly.
Linden Homes’ response will be debated at a future meeting after the council has received a report from Andrew Murrison MP about his visit to the site with councillors and community representatives in December.