To celebrate Safer Internet Day, Westbury Leigh CE Primary School hosted an e-safety competition organised by Mrs Nicky Newbury, Assistant Headteacher and IT Subject Leader.
Schools across Wiltshire took part, designing and creating animations, apps, games, videos and posters which deliver an e-safety message and promote positive uses of Digital Technology.
There were over 60 entries which all demonstrated an understanding of the positives of sharing information online as well as the dangers of inappropriate sharing.
Mrs Newbury said, “All the winners are excellent ambassadors for spreading the online safety message to their peers and beyond.”
An independent judge, Natalie Luckham who owns Naturally Social Consultancy Agency, enjoyed viewing all the entries and found it very difficult to pick the winners. She said, “The winning entries were shining examples of computing and computing unplugged and my thanks goes to the donators of prizes and the teachers and children who made this event so enjoyable.”
Prizes of an iPad mini, a Samsung Galaxy Tablet, an Amazon Kids Fire Tablet, a family ticket to @Bristol and an Amazon gift vouchers were very kindly donated by Oakford Technology, WebCreations, Futureform and Westbury Leigh Primary School.