WILTSHIRE Council has approved funding for a pedestrian crossing on Warminster Road, near to the Cedar Hotel.
Westbury residents have been campaigning for the crossing for some time, with a petition of 400 signatures collected last October.
Sarah Wiseman, who has led the campaign said, ”It’s wonderful news. It can take up to ten minutes to cross the road if you’re brave enough to try. I really hope that now the decision has been made some money can be made available to put this crossing in place as soon as possible. When I’m walking on it, that’ll be the triumph.”
Many of Matravers School’s pupils have to cross the busy road to get to the school, as well as users of Leighton Sports Centre and members of the public.
Sarah said that many people no longer even bother to try as it has become so dangerous, and that she herself drives her son to school because of the lack of a safe crossing. Now the crossing has been approved it should be in place by the end of the financial year, April 2010.
Alan Feist, Wiltshire Council service director for sustainable transport said that the council will now look at where the best location of the crossing could be, and of what type.
Chris Dark, headteacher at Matravers School, said, “I am delighted that commonsense has prevailed and that we will now be able to provide a safe crossing for students and Westbury residents on what is such a busy road.
“I am sure all the mums and dads who approached us about it will also be pleased by the decision.”
Sarah added that she wants to thank councillor Cuthbert Murray for his support in making the crossing a reality.
Cllr Cuthbert Murray said, “I want to congratulate Sarah publically. She was the real force behind the campaign and is very passionate about it. She put in such hard work, well done Sarah.”