TWO Girl Guides from Westbury have received the prestigious Baden Powell Challenge Award, after two years of working towards it.
Sally Dagger and Rhian Haines, both 15, from 2nd Westbury All Saints Guides, were presented with their awards on Saturday 19th September at the celebrations for the centenary of Girlguiding at the Paragon Hall.
The Baden Powell Challenge Award is the highest that a girl guide can attain.
In order to complete the award, named after the founder of the Scouting and Girlguiding movements, the girls had to attain two interest badges and two challenge badges. They also had to complete 10 challenges to show they’d been learning in areas such as healthy living, discovery and global awareness.
Sally said, “It took us a while but we got there in the end. It was really chal-
lenging but definitely worthwhile”
Rhian added, “We enjoyed doing it. We’d definitely recommend it”
Jean Jane, who has worked with the girls to help them achieve the awards said, “They should be very proud, it’s quite an achievement. A lot of people start the award but don’t complete it for one reason or another. To do so shows commitment, they have done very well.”
To celebrate their accomplishment Sally and Rhian were taken on the Baden Powell adventure, a residential trip to Bristol which they had become eligible for upon completing the Baden Powell Challenge.
Westbury Mayor Sue Ezra, who presented the girls with their award, along with Pam Brooking, president of South Wiltshire Guides, said, “I think it’s a real achievement, it was a great honour to give out their awards. They are another great example for the youth of Westbury.”