Westbury’s Neighbourhood Police Team (NPT) have a new policing priority following a review of the key issues in the town.
Anti-social behaviour in the centre of the town will now be on the list of the top three priorities for the NPT, who will make it a focus in the coming months.
Every three months the policing team review the issues that matter to the townspeople in a meeting with representatives of town bodies and residents. A list of three priorities is drawn up for the NPT to concentrate on.
Anti social behaviour in the town centre is now on the list, along with anti-social behaviour at Wellhead Woods and illegal parking in and around the Market Place. following a meeting about the priorities on Tuesday 10th November.
NPT town beat manager, PC Jo Philpott said, “We have removed the speeding in Alfred Street and Newtown, this will be a continual process involving the new Speedwatch, so it isn’t forgotten.
“The new priority is now anti-social behaviour in the High Street and town centre area; the reasoning for this is numerous calls relating to large groups of youths congregating in the town. This priority was agreed by everyone present at the meeting.
“The NPT will be regularly patrolling these areas and dispersing large groups. We will work with the youths and other partner agencies to find alternative places for them to go.”
The quarterly meeting involves representatives from the police, Wiltshire Council, Westbury Town Council, Neighbourhood Watch and other groups in the town.
Wiltshire councillor for Westbury North, David Jenkins, who attended the meeting said, “The anti-social behaviour in the centre of Westbury is something of an ongoing project.
“It is something of a hot topic at the moment, it has a profile in the town.
“The problems have got to be resolved, but we appreciate that people need to enjoy themselves. Hopefully we can find a way forward. I know the pubs are as keen as anyone to tackle the problem.”
Town cllr Mike Hawkins said, “Basically there has been a slight increase in the number of incidents of anti-social behaviour in the town centre. It was agreed that this should be jumped on immediately before it gets out of hand. It’s not a major problem at the moment, but we want to stop it before it gets out of hand.”
You can contact Westbury NPT via 0845 408 700, or westburytownnpt@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk.