THE White Horse Day Centre is still going strong, despite some confusion in the town about the club’s future.
Recently the seniors club in Westbury shut down, and some have mixed up the seniors club with the day centre.
Kerry Eatwell, committee chairman said, “We’ve just celebrated our tenth year. we’re quite well established, in fact we have a fair old waiting list.
“There was an article in the White Horse News about the seniors club shutting down, which also runs out of Grassacres Hall, and there has been a little bit of confusion with people mixing us up, which I want to nip in the bud.”
The White Horse Day Centre, for the over 60s, has been running out of Grassacres Hall every Tuesday for ten years, and provides a social environment and hot meal for its members every week.
Members enjoy a catch up and perhaps a game of cards in the morning, before a three-course hot dinner and then a raffle and bingo in the afternoon.
Organiser Daphne Lyons said, “They love their bingo. Everyone enjoys themselves. I love the job. It’s the people, to see them happy, and getting out of their houses, and supporting each other, money can’t pay for that.
“We really do have a laugh here, we’ve always been blessed with our members.”
The whole day costs each member just £3.50 each, with another £1 for the raffle. All the proceeds from the raffle are put back into the club.
The club also receives financial support from Westbury Town Council and Age Concern.
Volunteer cook needed
The club is currently looking for a volunteer cook to join the team, as long standing volunteer Elaine Dolmen is standing down after Christmas. Anyone interested in joining the team can contact committee chairman Kerry Eatwell via 01373 823 221.
Pictured: (L-R): Kerry Eatwell, Daphne Osbourne, Gill Redsull Elaine Dolmen and Daphne Lyons.