FROM April, senior citizens in Westbury will no longer have the choice between a senior rail card or bus pass.
Wiltshire Council is removing the option of a rail card as it harmonises the service it provides across the county.
Previously senior citizens in Westbury could opt for a rail card instead of a bus pass if they wished.
The move has been condemned by the West Wiltshire Rail Users Group, who say the move discriminates against train users, and is environmentally unsound.
Bob Lee, secretary of the West Wilts Rail Users Group said, “Why pick on railways, which is the most environmentally sound way of travelling? It’s a shame, and it may put some people off bothering with the train.
“I would like to know the economics of it, I wouldn’t have thought they’ll be saving money. For longer journeys trains are preferable to buses.
“We think it’s a retrograde step and discrimination against railways.
“Westbury is a major station, you can get just about everywhere from there, London, Bristol, Bath, Cardiff, Southampton. It’s a great shame.”
A Wiltshire Council spokesperson said that the new unitary council wanted to introduce the same service for all rail users across Wiltshire. Due to cost of offering all senior citizens rail cards, and the varying degrees of rail access in different areas, it was decided to only offer the bus pass from April 2010.
As an alternative to the bus pass Wiltshire Council will now offer taxi vouchers worth £40 to people who have to use a wheelchair for most of their normal activities.
Cllr Dick Tonge, cabinet member for transport said, “It is very important we offer the same services for people, no matter where in the county they live. Concessionary fares are just one of many services we are bringing into line to ensure equality throughout the county. I hope the £40 taxi vouchers will help many people retain some independence when travelling in their local area.”
The former district councils had different schemes which will be continued until April next year. The new harmonised scheme will operate from April 2010.
For information on concessionary fares in Wiltshire you can visit