A WESTBURY man has appeared on the BBC’s Weakest Link quiz show.
Paul Hopper, a roofer and rapper appeared on the show on Monday 29th March. Paul went out in the second round, despite the fact he was not the weakest link. The contestant who was actually the weakest link in the round Paul was voted off, then went on to win the show.
Paul said, “I passed rather than getting it wrong. I think the other players thought I should’ve banked it and that’s why they voted for me.”
Paul spent two days in Glasgow while filming took place at a hotel.
“I was the first person Anne picked on after the first round. I thought I would be more prepared but didn’t expect to be first. She picked up on my speech impediment.
“It was quite embarrassing, everyone was laughing at me. Wherever I turned my face was on the screen!
Back home, the episode was watched by friends and family in The Angel which is collecting money for the Jocelyn Tilley appeal.
John Williams, landlord at The Angel, said, “It was packed in here. Everyone in here supports the charity and it was a good laugh. There was loads of banter flying around.”
Paul added, “My little boy Marley rang me up and said ‘Dad where are you?’ and I told him I was in The Angel. He couldn’t understand it because I was on the telly as well and said, ‘You’re magical daddy’.”
Paul said he enjoyed his moment of fame, but he is not a fan of Anne Robinson. He said, “It was a really good experience apart from meeting horrible Anne!”