A VACANCY has arisen on the Ham ward of Westbury Town Council following the resignation of Phillip Brown due to ill health.
The town council has officially announced the vacancy, and it is hoped that an election will be called to fill the position. A request for an election must be made by ten electors for the Ham ward, which has to be submitted in writing to the returning officer at Wiltshire Council before 11th June.
If an election is called, it will take place no later than the 13th August. Otherwise, the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
The vacancy arose after Phillip Brown resigned due to ill health after almost a year on the town council, during which time he has been a member of the highways, planning and development committee.
He said, “I hope I’ve been able to represent the people of Westbury. It’s something I’ve really enjoyed, and I would like to say I’m quite disappointed that I’ve had to step down but I’ve had no choice.” Although Phillip has had to take a step back he hopes to continue to be involved in other projects and societies in the town, such as the Heritage Society and the Laverton Project.
The people of the Ham Ward recently voted in two new town councillors, Stephen Miles and Derry O’Hara, in the last by-election which was held in April.
Electors wishing to request a by-election to fill the current vacancy can do so by writing to Andrew Kerr, Returning Officer, Wiltshire Electoral Services, Monkton Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 1ER.