A report setting out Wiltshire Council’s plan to reduce anti-social behaviour was agreed by its cabinet on July 27th.
The reduction of anti-social behaviour (ASB) will have a positive impact on the perception of crime in Wiltshire, and in doing so will improve community confidence in public services and will encourage communities to do more to help themselves.
The Wiltshire Anti-Social Behaviour Reduction Strategy and Implementation Plan 2010-2011 enables partners in the Wiltshire Community Safety Partnership to consolidate their efforts and approach to tackling ASB.
The strategy sets out how ASB will be tackled through prevention, intervention, enforcement and reassurance, using the powers, tools and resources of the partnership agencies and local communities.
Anti-social behaviour can now be reported online at www.wiltshire. gov.uk/asbreporting. People can log ASB problems they are experiencing or have witnessed. The police will also log reports through their non-emergency number 0845 4087000.
ASB, and the perception of it, was identified as a priority issue in the most recent ‘partnership strategic assessment’, Wiltshire Police’s strategic assessment, and perception surveys carried out by Wiltshire Council (People’s Voice) and the Wiltshire Police Authority.
Cllr Keith Humphries, cabinet member for health and well being said, “Tackling anti-social behaviour is an important issue facing our communities today as it blights the lives of people who want to enjoy the community they live in. The Wiltshire Community Safety Partnership takes this issue very seriously and in this strategy we have set out our plans, methods and ways for working together with Wiltshire communities to show that this behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
“We believe this work needs to be done jointly by statutory and voluntary sectors working together with the neighbourhoods affected. Their engagement in finding solutions that provide relief from the problems causing their distress or concern will help communities to improve.”
Divisional Commander, Stephen Hedley said, “Wiltshire Police welcome this new partnership strategy and see our Neighbourhood Police Teams as an essential component in working with partners to reduce anti-social behaviour in your local communities. We fully endorse the aims of this strategy.”