THIS weekend, dedicated Westbury fundraiser Hilary Reed is holding her tenth annual coffee morning to raise money for Guide Dogs for the Blind.
The occasion is a particularly special one as it is Hilary’s tenth coffee morning, and over the years she has raised over £10,000 from her coffee mornings alone.
This year, Hilary’s coffee morning will be held on Saturday 2nd October from 10.00am to 12.00pm at the Paragon Hall. There will be a raffle, tombola, cake stall, and much much more.
Hilary says her coffee morning has a particular ring to it this year – having raised £10,000 over 10 years, and the event will be held in the tenth month of 2010!
This year’s coffee morning is dedicated to Geraldine Tracey, who was Hilary’s district fundraising manager, but sadly died in July.
Hilary started her coffee mornings 10 years ago, when the Guide Dog for the Blind Association had a national coffee morning. Although these ceased, Hilary has continued to run her annual coffee mornings, which sometimes make in excess of £1,000.
Hilary said, “People ask when it’s going to be and what they can expect. And I try and do something a bit different every year.”
Hilary’s passion for the charity is simple. “It’s all about the dogs,” she said. “It costs £1million per week to keep Guide Dogs running, a staggering amount I am sure you will agree!!”
Not only does Hilary raise money for the charity through her coffee mornings and many other fundraising activities, but she also is a puppy walker. “I have them from the age of 6 weeks old until they’re ready to go off for their training,” she explained.
Hilary is currently walking Zea, a German shepherd, and Flora, a labrador cross retriever, who are her 34th and 35th dogs.
In February Hilary was nominated for the White Horse News Person of the Year award for her ongoing support of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
Following the coffee morning, Hilary’s next event will be a charity bingo night at the Conservative Club on Wednesday 6th October, as part of Guide Dog Week. Doors open at 7.30pm with eyes down at 8.00pm.