A TRANSPORT scheme for young people is set to go ahead, after receiving a grant of £4,440 from Wiltshire Council.
For over a year, young people at Westbury Youth and Development Centre have been developing plans for a transport scheme to allow them to access services such as the youth centre and sports centre.
This was initiated after they identified a problem for those living in villages and the outskirts of town, who have trouble getting into the town.
Sally Willox, youth development co-ordinator at Westbury Youth and Development Centre said, “Many young people feel there are limited opportunities in rural locations and that they cannot afford to travel into the town to access activities.
“Surveys were conducted a year ago to ascertain young people’s needs and results and showed that a high percentage of young people would like to be able to access the Youth Development Centre, Leighton Sports Centre, Westbury Skate Park and also go to friends’ houses.
“Many respondents also highlighted that bus links do not enable them to travel in and out of Westbury at the times they would like to, nor are there bus stops in suitable locations, where safety was the main concern.”
Sally added, “As a result of the evidence to support the need for improving accessibility for young people in rural locations, initially to the Youth Development Service, a pilot transport scheme is being developed that will enable young people to be transported into Westbury up to two times per week to access the aforementioned service.”
Following a conference for young people in February, Wiltshire Council allocated a sum of money for young people and youth transport schemes, and the Westbury area board recently approved the grant to the project.
The scheme will be facilitated by the youth centre’s MPV people carrier and a minibus taxi from a local provider (council approved with CRB checked drivers), which will run a rotating timetable to ensure that as many young people as possible have a chance to use the service.
It is planned that the pilot scheme will start running in January and if successful, it is hoped that it can develop into a community-based transport scheme in the future.