WESTBURY Town Council has come under fire after deciding to spend £1,285 on a new mayoral chain.
Councillors voted to purchase a new chain and to keep the current chain in a display case.
Cllr Mike Cuthbert-Murray, who says he is “appalled” at the town council’s decision, has collected seven signatures from town councillors, demanding that the issue be raised again at a future town council meeting.
It is believed that the current chain has been used since the 1960s and has had to undergo several repairs to keep it operational.
Westbury Mayor, cllr Christine Mitchell explained, “The current chain is beautiful and I have worn it with pride to over 50 functions to date, not including town council meetings. The chain is very heavy and is becoming unwieldy and misshapen at the back due to extra name discs being added and the chain at the back has become detached on several occasions while at functions.
“The repair bill from last year was in excess of £300 and is likely to cost more in the future, thereby making the purchase of a new chain more practical. This is not a decision that was taken lightly, there was a lot of discussion about it before deciding to take it to town council.
“The current chain is part of Westbury’s heritage and should be treated as such, which is why it was felt that a new chain should be purchased and the current chain put on display in a glass case at the Laverton.”
However, cllr Mike Cuthbert-Murray, who voted against replacing the chain said, “I am appalled that such an issue should even come onto the council agenda, let alone be passed by the town council. In these times of severe hardship being felt within our community, especially as the council decided not to increase the precept, they now choose to spend a vast sum on something that suits councillors and not the community at large. The current magnificent chain to my knowledge is not under stress and in need of repair.
“I, with cllr Tout, fought against this motion with vigour and powerful argument. Sadly, common sense was defeated last night and I urge the public to let their councillors know what they think on this.”
Cllr Cuthbert-Murray added his concern that no quotes for potential repairs had been given, only examples of costs from the past.
Charlie Finbow, a former mayor of Westbury added his disgust. “This is lunacy of biblical proportions in these times of financial hardship, especially as they, the town council, voted not to increase the precept during these times,” he said.
“The decision not to increase the precept is commendable whilst the decision to replace the chain is totally unacceptable and cannot be justified at all.
“Speaking as someone who proudly wore the current chain during my mayoral year on over 130 occasions, I never once found it heavy or unwieldy. It was an honour to wear such a magnificent piece of civic regalia.”