AN award-winning director is inviting local people to appear in a highly charged scene in his next film.
Westbury film maker John Wheeler, winner at the 2004 Portobello Film Festival, and who also scooped a nomination last year, is currently filming The Last Road in Westbury and surrounding areas.
Dilton Marsh Social Club will be transformed into a film set for two days on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th April to capture one of the film’s most dramatic fight scenes with lead actor Aaron Long, requiring over 100 extras. Filming started on The Last Road in November 2010, and John has been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the people of Westbury to get involved. Many locations in and around the town will be featured in the final film, not least the Westbury White Horse.
John Wheeler describes the film as “drama with a surreal twist”. “I want to make something with a point to it, it’s got soul,” he explained. “It’s exploring things that are in our society in an interesting and new way.”
“This scene is a fighting match with the main character, there’s a lot of dramatic scenes in the film, but this is really dramatic.”
Clean Break Films are calling for both male and female extras over the age of 25 to take part. Arrival and registration is at 11.00am on both Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th April. To confirm your wish to attend and be in the film, telephone 01373 825 616.
Dress code for the two-day shoot is as follows: jeans, dark trousers, plain T-shirts, open neck shirts, denim jackets, leather jackets, long overcoats. No football shirts or labelled clothing, Men preferably unshaven.
Although the club will be open for refreshments, bringing a packed lunch is advised.