THE AVERAGE household in Westbury will not have to pay any increase on their town council precept this year, if budget plans are approved in January.
Plans for the 2010 financial year’s budget, which begins on March 31st, will go before the full town council at a meeting on Monday 4th January.
The proposed budget needs to be approved at that meeting, but as it stands the 2010 budget means band D homes in Westbury will pay the same to the town council in 2010 as this year.
Cllr Stephen Andrews, chairman of the general purposes committee said, “For band D equivalent homes there will be a nought percent rise. There will be a minimal increase for band E, F and G homes, and lower bands will pay a little less. So, for the average home there will be a zero percent rise. Last year we had a minimal rise which was below the rate of inflation.”
The budget is merely a recommendation at the moment, it will go before the full town council at their meeting on Monday 4th January.
Cllr Andrews continued, “We hope people will be pleased with this. The unitary council rate is probably going to rise, and we’ve had huge rises in the last few years for the police and fire service precepts, so I think anything that can keep that rise down should be welcomed.”
Cllr Andrews explained that the town council was able to keep the precept at the same level because of savings made in the budget.
For example, Wiltshire Council will now cover the cost of by-elections in the district, meaning that the town council no longer have to budget £5,000 for any by-elections in 2010.
£6,000 saving
The council will also save £6,000 by removing this sum from the 2010 budget that had been set aside for planing celebrations for the Queen’s diamond jubilee in 2012.
Mayor of Westbury, cllr Sue Ezra said, “I think it’s good news. We did want to keep it as low as possible because we do understand that a lot of people are suffering in the recession.
“We will be keeping all of the services and all of the events we do in town, which I think people enjoy. The Christmas events and the street fair which is next year are always well supported.”
The town council precept, which forms part of the council tax bill, funds Westbury Town Council’s administrative staff, the upkeep of the Laverton building and town council projects such as the bi-annual Street Fair and the Christmas programme of events.