Wiltshire Council has been criticised for the bank holiday closure of Leighton Recreation Centre, Westbury Swimming Pool, and other Wiltshire Council- run DC Leisure facilities over the county.
As of last month, opening hours have been amended in “periods of traditional low usage,” which means the facilities have been closed for the recent April and May bank holidays and will be closed over all future bank holidays.
Users of the centres have expressed concern that centres have reduced opening hours and will not be open on bank holidays.
One gym user said, “I am now finding it difficult to get to the gym at a time that suits me as I work full-time and bank holidays were the ideal time to go.”
The local Liberal Democrats have taken up their concern. Lib Dem council group leader, cllr Jon Hubbard said over the bank holiday weekend, “Conservatives at County Hall have time after time promised that there will be no frontline cuts. Today, at leisure centres across the county, doors were locked and people were denied access to these public facilities. If these aren’t cuts then what are?
“Today, I travelled around the county speaking with local people affected by these cuts, many of whom were visiting their local leisure centre expecting to use them. What I found was astonishing. When I arrived in Bradford-on-Avon, the lights were on, the air conditioning running, and the staff still present, but keeping the public out. So where’s the saving? Surely this is costing more!”
Wiltshire Council has defended the move.
A Wiltshire Council spokesperson said, “During these exceptional times we are having to take a responsible approach to ensure we deliver a balanced budget.
“This has meant we have had to make some very difficult decisions, and will continue to have to do so. We appreciate this will impact on customers, however we are doing everything we can to ensure this is minimised.
“We apologise for any inconvenience caused to people wanting to use our leisure facilities over the bank holiday weekends, however leisure centres are traditionally underused during bank holidays and can be used 50 percent less than an ordinary weekday. Opening times have therefore been amended to reflect this.”
Picture: Cllr David Jenkins discusses the bank holiday closures with Jon Hubbard and local campaigner Gordon King