NOW that all the festivities are over, the Jubilee Hall can settle back into a normal routine with the first Supper Night of 2018, on Friday 16th February, starting at 6.30pm. If you haven’t been before, make a note and give it a try!
Supper night is a three-course meal, plus tea or coffee for a reasonable price in a friendly atmosphere and everyone is welcome.
Future dates for your diaries are: Friday 16th March – Supper Night. Monday 19th March – Jubilee Hall AGM. Saturday 24th March – Jubilee Hall Spring Ball.
The Jubilee Hall in Bratton is a large modern village hall which can be hired for a variety of different events. They have a fully equipped kitchen and a bar area for you to run your own bar. The hall can be divided into sections depending on the size of your event, the ceiling in the main hall is high enough to accommodate a small bouncy castle for children’s parties.
To make enquiries or a booking please contact the bookings clerk Val Witcomb on 01380 830297 or email valwitcomb1948@gmail .com.