A RANGE of issues affecting Westbury residents were raised at the Westbury Area Board meeting held on Thursday 10th April including youth facilities, a fly problem and plans for the commemoration of The Great War.
Wiltshire Councillor Richard Gamble, portfolio holder for schools, skills and youth, presented details for the Youth Activity Review, which is currently being undertaken. Communities across Wiltshire are being invited to offer their ideas to help ensure that the provision of youth activities in the future reflects and meets the needs of young people.
He explained, “There are 1,689 young people aged 13-19 in the Westbury area. The needs of these young people are changing through the use of social media and SMART technology. There is a need to target those who most need it. Currently only a minority are using the services. It’s hoped that the new campus will provide new opportunities when it is completed.”
Young people were given the opportunity to ask questions on issues affecting them including whether the Eden Vale Youth Centre would be closed before the new campus is open. They were informed that at present no decision has been made to close the centre, and were reminded that the people who carry out the youth services were more important than the location. A group of young people stated that they would like more say in what is happening to their services, and a widening of the service.
Westbury Town Council is currently working on a list of events for the commemoration of The Great War. These will include a reconstruction of a First World War trench, the rededication of the War Memorial, a service in the High Street led by the British Legion, a Tea-dance, and ‘Christmas with the Troops’. Details will be published on the Westbury Town Council website.
There was an update of the situation with regard to the fly infestation problem Westbury suffered last year from Ed Dodd, divisional director of Hills waste company. He said, “Hills are doing all they can to ensure that the same thing does not happen again. We are spraying very strong insecticide and ensuring that all refuse vehicles are thoroughly cleaned amongst other measures. The Environment Agency is visiting once a month and will continue to monitor the situation.”
Following on from the What Matters to You event held earlier this year, the priorities highlighted are the high rates of child poverty, obesity, and domestic abuse, and the low rate of recycling. The Area Board is commencing research into all these areas and will report back.
Councillors present were Cllr Russell Hawker who chaired the meeting, Cllr David Jenkins, Cllr Gordon King and Cllr Jerry Wickham.