CHAPMANSLADE Parish Council reports that there is ‘considerable enthusiasm’ to bring mains gas to the village.
30 residents attended the November meeting of the parish council to discuss the possibility of obtaining mains gas in the village.
Phil Jefferson, chair of the parish council reports, “We learned that 59 households would need to sign up before Wales and West Utilities will agree to extending the pipeline into the heart of the village and they would each have to pay a little over £3,000 for the connection.
“Residents living away from the High Street would probably have to fork out a little more than this. The total cost for each household is likely to be in the region of £5,000, to cover the cost of fitting new boilers, etc.
“£5,000 sounds a big investment but we were advised that this might be clawed back over ten years, with savings coming from cheaper fuel and more modern and more efficient boilers.
“There was considerable enthusiasm in the meeting for the idea. The next step is to ask all Chapmanslade residents if they are interested and wish to find out more. At this stage there is no need to make a commitment; all we need to know at the moment is whether as many as 59 households are interested in the possibility of having mains gas.”
“Anyone in the village who is interested in the project should contact Kerry at knsgasandheat