The West Wiltshire Gauge 0 Group held their popular annual railway show, attracting a big crowd to the Paragon Hall, Westbury, on Saturday 16th November.
Group organiser, Rod Towler reports, “In spite of the inclement weather, the show attracted over 175 visitors.
“The range of layouts the West Wiltshire Gauge 0 Group invited to this year’s show covered the wide range of all the popular scales.
“Keith Wareham’s 0 Gauge test track was once more the centre of attraction, with full-length trains from all regions running. Back after an absence of three years was the ever popular Gogton Middle, the children’s layout. The younger visitors to the show were invited to help operate the trains.
“For the dedicated 0 Gauge enthusiast, Mere Abbas from the Mere and District Model Railway Club and Dave Stevens’ DDC-controlled Isbury Road showed the high standard that can be achieved in the scale.
“For the 00 enthusiast, regulars John Anderson and Paul Taylor were back with Pottendorf, a beautifully detailed German H0 DCC-controlled layout.
“John Cruse brought along his superbly detailed layout, Bradbury Junction, a layout depicting the Great Western steam era.
“Jim Rainer, with his vintage Hornby Dublo layout, Hornby Road, reminded us of our toy trains of yesteryear. It allowed the more mature amongst us to reminisce about our early days of playing trains.
“For the N Gauge enthusiast, Shaftesbury Parkway, showed trains of the period 1980-1994 British Outline, operated by David Webber of the Shaftesbury and Gillingham Railway Society.
“Also attending was Mike Woloshuk with Sanford, an N Gauge GWR layout of minimum size, just 34”x 19”, showing us what can be achieved in a small space.
“A regular attendee to the show, the Scalextric layout, was operated by Ashley Jones and friends from the Wessex Model and Toy Collectors. Visitors to the show were invited to have fun and operate the cars.
“Trade support this year was from David Hyde with a selection of second hand railway items, A.P.K Models with pre-owned quality 0 gauge stock, David Smith Books, our own Branchlines of Westbury with kits, motors and gears etc, John Drago with railway items, and a bring and buy.
“Our friends from The Bristol 0 Gauge Group joined us to demonstrate their skills and to advertise their own show, to be held at the University of the West of England on Sunday the 26th January – well worth a visit.
“Stan Tout showed us how to weather our locos and stock, whilst John Dopson demonstrated his fine talent of painting and lining.
“The tombola was a great success organised by Shelagh and Katie. Prizes were donated and by the end of the show, most had been claimed.
“The lovely refreshments were prepared for us by Mel and Sue who worked so hard in the kitchen looking after the visitors and stall holders’ needs. Out grateful thanks to them, we could not have managed without their hard work.
“It was such a friendly atmosphere, my thanks to all those that attended the show which all in all was another great, friendly show talking to friends and fellow modellers who stayed for a long time – helped, no doubt, by the two-hour free parking in the High Street car park.
“A note for your Christmas diaries, next year’s show is booked for the 14th November 2020. We look forward to seeing you all next year to meet and chat.
“Best wishes for the festive season.”