1st Westbury (Cyril’s Own) Scout Group have recently been welcoming new members to their Beaver section, with eight of them making their promises before the half term break.
The assistant Beaver scout leader, Diane Perrett, says that the Beaver section, made up of children aged six to eight, have had a busy first term.
“The Beaver section have recently welcomed ten new members and eight made their promises just before the half term break,” said Diane.
“The new children joined in September and have learnt about what Beaver Scouts are and what they do, played lots of new games, attended the town memorial service for the Queen, made kites, tried writing some Chinese symbols, cooked bacon sandwiches and planted bulbs for Christmas – they have had a very busy first term! New Explorer Unit for young adults aged 14 to 18
“The group welcomed the district Beaver leader, Chil, to help the leaders with the promise ceremony on the last night of the term. On the same evening the district commissioner, Chris Broom, invested the two leaders, Claire and Erin, for our brand-new Explorer Unit. This section is for young adults aged 14 to 18 years old. They do not have to have been a Beaver, Cub or Scout to join this section.
“The young people work together to plan their fun activities whilst learning organisational and responsibility skills, which will help them in later life. They have lots of activities planned for the next few terms. “The two sections are joining together with the residents at Westbury Court Nursing home in the next few weeks to enjoy some campfire singing. This is a great chance for young and old to share songs, some dancing and lots of laughter.
“If you would like to add your son or daughter to our waiting list or would like to volunteer as an adult, please contact us at www.1stwestbury.org.uk”