A NEW pop-up Friday youth club is available for young people aged 13 to 19 in the Westbury area.
It is being held each Friday at Westbury Parish Hall (next to All Saints’ Church in town) from 6.30pm to 8.30pm and it is a joint venture between the church and 4Youth (South West).
4Youth already carry out detached youth work in Westbury on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, meeting Westbury’s young people around the town. The Friday night youth club sessions are a development from this following feedback from young people that they needed a safe space to spend time with their friends.
Beth Thomas, the project leader from All Saints’ Church, said, “The sessions are very chilled; we listen to music, play games, chat, drink hot chocolate and have something to eat. We are attracting a growing number of repeat members who stay for the whole session and just enjoy a safe space to be with their friends. We’ve room for more young people and encourage them to come along and try us out.”
Organisers say the pop-up youth club was set up as a response to anti-social behaviour in the area.
Revd Rebecca Harris, team rector said, “After our experience of anti-social behaviour last year we wanted to create a more positive place for young people to spend their time together. We’re really pleased that the church is able to provide this in partnership with 4Youth (South West).”
The Westbury Youth Club members have thanked the community champion at Morrisons, the Aldhelm Mission Fund, and other individuals who have made donations towards the club.
The youth club is also looking for volunteers to support the professional youth workers in setting up and serving drinks and snacks.
If you are interested in helping Westbury’s young people, please contact Beth at beth@whtministry.org.uk
They also need donations to cover costs. Donations can be made here: https://bit.ly/3YosswL