ON Tuesday 22nd August members of the Active Retirement Club were given a fascinating lightening tour of our solar system.
They say playing golf helps you forget your everyday troubles – contemplating the planets is even more effective! The sheer dimensions and science behind them is breathtaking and our solar system is but microscopic in comparison with the universe.
Our system occupies a tiny area within the Milky Way galaxy; incidentally, though important to us, it is only one of billions of other galaxies in the universe. Our sun is very average in size and around it circulates eight planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune along with dozens of moons and millions of asteroids.
The temperature at the sun’s surface is around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, increasing to 25 million degrees at the core. Fortunately, the earth is situated in what some call the ‘goldilocks zone’ – not too hot and not too cold as most of the other planets are. All the planets have their own characteristics based upon their distance from the sun and their chemical makeup.
A final thought – it is generally accepted that the universe is expanding in all directions. The question is, what is it expanding into?
Our next scheduled meeting, ‘Love, Passion and Betrayal’ is on Tuesday 5th September at the URC church hall at 10am. We meet fortnightly and guests can enjoy two club meetings for free before deciding if they wish to join. Membership costs £10 per month.
If you would like to join ARC or find out more please call Mark on 01373-823826.