THE Westbury and District French Twinning Association held their annual general meeting (AGM) at the Westbury United Reform Church (URC) Hall on Saturday 24th February, where discussions were had over the visit of our French friends from Chateau du Loir, who will be arriving at the end of April.
A group of 32 members of Twinning, including councillors from the Montval region in France, will arrive on Thursday 24th April for a long weekend. After the AGM, 36 members and guests sat down for a supper of five types of soups and rolls, which was enjoyed by all.
We were then fortunate to have this followed by a presentation by Sally Hendry about, ‘The Old Pubs of Westbury’ – some of which I did not know existed. Sally’s knowledge of the history of Westbury is truly outstanding and was appreciated by all members. The evening finished with a raffle.
Our next event will be on Saturday 23rd March with a bring-and-share supper at the URC Church Hall. Westbury Twinning is always ready to welcome new members, and if you are interested, please contact or call 01373 864935.
Report by Norman Drew, chairman of Westbury and District French Twinning Association.