FOLLOWING the Prime Minister’s latest announcement of tighter Coronavirus restrictions, councillors in Westbury discussed their pandemic and major emergency response procedure.
Specifically, members at their remote meeting on Monday looked at how Tier 5 lockdown was affecting town council business, The Laverton, play areas and public toilets. The item was brought to the agenda by chair of the town council, cllr Mike Sutton.
Cllr Ward Jones said, “I want to suggest that we stay as we are with the town council business. Questions have been raised on social media about which play areas are open or not; I think at the moment they should stay open.”
Cllr Ian Cunningham agreed regarding town council business, saying, “I think what we were doing before lockdown is right.”
The clerk told the meeting The Laverton was allowed to open for specialist groups, but no groups had been using it. She added there were some discussions about play areas closing, but no mention in her guidance about public toilets, save that public toilets in play areas could stay open.
“It’s day by day” she said, “and I will continue to report to the council as it changes.”