THE people of Westbury are being thanked for their support after last year’s Poppy Appeal raised the sum of £6,879.
The amount comes from collections made in the town, and the total will rise further once money comes in from wreaths. Collections were held in the run up to Remembrance Sunday, while a collection was also made at the annual parade and service.
Bill Prior, Poppy Appeal organiser for Westbury said, “It is a very nice amount, and that’s only the money from collections – there’ll be another £800 – £900 from the wreaths which will take us well over £7,000.
“I’m happy with what we got, the people of Westbury are very, very good.
“I would like to also thank the shops, clubs, pubs and businesses for their support, who put boxes out for me.”
The Poppy Appeal is the Royal British Legion’s biggest fundraising campaign. Every year the nation shows its support for the Royal British Legion through the appeal. Funds help support the British Armed Forces, past and present, and their families.