Shiver me timbers! Children at Bitham Brook Primary School recently held a Pirate Day to fit in with their topic ‘Around the World’.
The children came to school dressed as pirates and explored the life of a pirate through lots of varied activities throughout the day. They made pirate eyepatches, pirate hats, jewellery and Treasure Island cakes and did Pirate PE. Luckily, nobody had to walk the plank!
The children went on a treasure hunt following clues and using maps to track down their treasure as well as learning a pirate dance and some pirate songs.
Their teachers, ‘Captain’ Roff and ‘Captain’ Cooper said, “The children were full of excitement about being pirates for the day and tackled all their pirate challenges with great enthusiasm and determination.
“The children will be using their rich learning experiences to develop their vocabulary and create some quality writing. The children had an excellent day, full of fun with some great learning opportunities.”