WESTBURY Cricket Club is one of six sports clubs in the county to receive a share of £1,500 of ‘Return to Sport’ funding.
Wiltshire Council launched the ‘Return to Sport’ and Sports Stars projects in March 2013 as part of its Legacy for Wiltshire which aims to help bring communities together, encourage people to keep active and healthy, and support future Olympians and Paralympians.
Westbury Cricket Club received £400, while Ludgershall Ladies FC, Marlborough RFC, Lavington Ladies FC, Devizes CC, and Ramsbury Tennis Club also received funding.
Jonathon Seed, cabinet member for leisure said, “These grants will not only help by providing high quality coaching, but they are a brilliant way to get people back into a sport they used to love, or try a new one for the first time.”
Wiltshire Council’s Return to Sport programme has been developed to encourage over 16s to get back into sport, or to try a sport for the first time. Return to Sport is an ideal way to bring new adult members into sports club by providing coaching sessions over an eight week period. For further information visit www. wiltshire.gov.uk/return tosport
The Sports Stars programme works on a similar basis but the target audience is young people aged five to 16 years. It aims to encourage young people to join the sports club once they have gained confidence and developed skills during the eight week programme. For further information visit www.wiltshire .gov.uk/sportsstars
The next deadline for both initiatives is the end of January.
For more information contact Karlene Jammeh, Wiltshire Council’s sports development officer on 01722 434437 or karlene.jammeh@wilt shire.gov.uk