NEW to running, Anna Compton, ran her first ever marathon on Sunday 28th April in a time of five hours and seven minutes, well within her personal target.
Anna ran the 26.2 miles of the London Marathon having set herself a target time of between 5 and 5 and a half hours. Anna only starting running a couple of years ago and just six months ago she had never run further than six miles.
Anna’s husband Rob and his two brothers supported her around the course.
Rob said, “During the race Anna found it difficult to settle into a steady pace as the entire course was very congested and she didn’t even get to cross the start line until shortly after 11.00am, nearly an hour later than Sir Mo, etc.
“As if just running in such a huge event wasn’t hard enough, along the way she not only had to contend with the thousands of other runners but also many in fancy dress. During the race she passed, amongst many other costumes, numerous rhinos and pink lady apples, Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, six runners in a Thunderbird 2 and even a Jesus look-alike running barefooted and carrying his own enormous cross!
“At eight miles she looked comfortable, at 15 miles rather jaded, but by 25 miles so exhausted she didn’t even have the energy to acknowledge our cheers.
“Anna’s first reaction on completing the run was ‘definitely never ever again!’ but a couple of days after the event she was already saying ‘but I suppose I do know what it’s all about now so perhaps…’ We will wait and see what comes next.”
Anna said, “I would like to once again thank everyone who supported me in my training and preparation for the event and also to give a huge thank you to all the many people who have contributed to my chosen charity, the Stroke Association.
“I was hoping to raise about £500 but with that sum already achieved and the current total standing above £900, I am hoping I might manage to get as high as £1,000.”