WESTBURY Junior School has secured a £20,000 grant to plant more shrubs and trees around the school site to help increase biodiversity.
Hannah Duffy, acting head at Westbury Junior School said, “Poplar trees were previously removed from the school grounds due to them being deemed unsafe. When they were removed we committed to replacing them with native species.
“Over the past 12 months, the school managed to secure a grant of approximately £20,000 from The Great Western Community Forest (GWCF) with significant support from Naomi Styles, Wiltshire Council’s woodland officer and school governor. The grant covers the costs of preparing the ground, the purchase of and the maintain of the trees and shrubs.
“The new planting will provide habitat for wildlife, help to prevent the school field from flooding, provide an environment for our children to learn in and provide much needed shade.
“Every child at school had the opportunity to go out and plant a tree or shrub and were supported by members of the school and wider community.
“GWCF was founded in 1994 alongside 11 other community forests across England, where local people and organisations are working together to create a better environment.”
The planting was supported by Naomi Styles, the school groundsman Geoff Curtis, Westbury Town Council ranger David Krzyzosiak and Westbury town councillor Julie Wright.