THE latest report from Westbury Seniors Golf comes from Seniors Captain, Rodney Poolman.
He reports, “On October 5th we had our first mixed friendly against Broome Manor. There were 7 pairs on each side and we had a most enjoyable day, with an excellent aftermatch meal.
“The match was a draw. The winning Westbury pairs were Margaret Adams/Dave Gilbert, Tina James/George Henderson and Ann Poolman/Rodney Poolman with Gill Sawyer/Pete Mould drawing their game.
“We held the first of the Winter Fortnightly Mixed Competitions on the 10th October. The texas scramble was won by Carol Barton/ John Boniface/Neil Simpson and George Henderson with a nett score of 62.
“The winner of the Autumn Shield was Rodney Poolman on countback from Tony Doman with a score of 36 points. Our record in the Seniors’ Friendlies was won 5 drawn 3 lost 8. It was a very satisfactory season, with a total of 29 golfers used in the 16 matches.”
• “The Mixed Texas Scramble played on Wednesday was won by the team of Margaret Adams, Terry Turner and Pete Mould and the runners-up were Gill Sawyer, Dave Pratt and Brian Ingram,” reports Fiona Belson.”The Summer Eclectic Competition was won by Tina Adams. The Birdie Tree was won jointly by Tina Adams and Carol Barton. The Par Tree was won by Maureen Heard.”